
2024. Check back for announcement of new publication.

Past Events

June 1, 2019. Book signing. Meet the author of Geese on the Ball Field at the Springfest, Bohemia Fire Department, Long Island, New York, Saturday, June 1, 2019, 9:00 am-2:00 pm. Thanks for stopping by.

2014. Paper bound edition of Learn the Hebrew Alphabet with Psalm 119 published.

August 3, 2013. Sayville Summer Fest sidewalk art show, Saturday. Works by photographer of two geese on the cover of Geese on the Ballfield: Commuter Haiku on display.

2013. Paper bound edition of Geese on the Ball Field: Commuter Haiku, with watercolor illustratins by Kathleen Woodburn published.

March 19, 2011. Buffalo Small Press Book Fair, at the Karples Manuscript Library and Museum, 453 Porter Ave., Buffalo, New York. New title introduced: Geese on the Ball Field: Commuter Haiku (spiral bound ed.)

December 6-7, 2008. 21st Annual Indie & Small Press Book Fair at the New York Center for Independent Publishing, in the historic General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, located at 20 West 44th Street, New York City. New title introduced: Learn the Hebrew Alphabet with Psalm 119 (spiral bound ed.)